Sunday, October 12, 2008

So, I was tagged by Torri, this tag is to choose the 4th folder and 4th photo and talk about it.

Obviously not a good quality photo. This is a photo of Evan playing soccer. We play on a coed soccer team on Saturday nights. Its pretty much the extent of our dating life. Its fun because we do it together. I always say its a package deal...if the team wants Evan (who is an awesome player) then they also have to deal with me (not such an awesome player.) It all works out


Anonymous said...

It is pretty much our dating life as well- but it rocks! I love that you both play :) I keep thinking I want to bring my camera and take some pictures...

KFerrara said...

YOU ARE THE TEAM!!! Remember that.

AshleyMarie said...

How fun! I think that is a great idea about being on a coed team together. I will have to keep that in mind for when Daren gets home.