Friday, March 21, 2008

One of those days...

Do you ever just have "one of those days?"  Lets just say that this is one of them for me.  In fact, I may even go so far as to say this has been one of those weeks.  


Kacey said...

Oh dear! That pot looks like it took a BAD tumble. Sorry about the "off" day (AND week!). I've had those too. They really make you appreciate those boring uneventful days! :-D

McKenna said...

Pooey. I hope you were able to borrow a power vac for that one.

Lindsy said...

That is so funny! I looked at the picture and just thought... Man that would suck. Then I read your caption. I'm sorry you had one of those days. I hate those days too. Thats the kind of thing that happens as you are trying to get somewhere on time. The picture definitely says it all. LOL